Monday 11 July 2016

Thwart your drug abuse

The issue, the disgrace, the dark stamp that pounds everybody's life - drugs, over-the-counter drug use, how would we stop it? Sahyog Clinic can give you appropriate advice in doing so.

Nothing is ensured, obviously. In any case, there are certain things that you can do to pave a way for an addict towards a better life. Here are the tips to follow.

Authorize an ambiance where time is important and that quality time is loaded with great projects, great events, and significant hobbies. Much the time spent in doing good things, less the time will be available to take drugs. In case you look at non-addict people, you’ll realize that they are generally the people who are busy with their LIFE and thus have no time or enthusiasm for drug abuse.

Talk to the addict person about drug abuse. Give them the info that they need in their lives. Tell them about the cons of drug abuse and what harm they are causing to the society and to their health as well.
There are times when a person will be extremely helpless against using illegal drugs when ordinarily they would not long for touching the product. Thus, a strong, reliable and clear knowledge on drug abuse is one of the weapons that you have in your stockpile against drug misuse.

Clean your home. You can have liquor or drug in your home. Try not to make your home storage for drugs or alcohol. This is so imperative in battling the drug war. Why have a load of these things when an addict in the house. So give a valiant effort. In case that you require a supply of anything in your home, make it a supply of good perusing books, and great music and brilliant inventive ventures and expressions and artworks things.

Try not to use illegal drugs yourself. Simply say no! Because by looking at you being hooked to something, the addict or the other people who are close to you may also tempt towards the same. And this in return can seriously adverse the situation.

These tips are tested and tried method of ceasing drug abuse. If you still have a doubt, you can contact Dr. Gautam Bhatia at Sahyog Clinic.

Thursday 30 June 2016

Why to choose a drug rehab center?

Searching for a drug rehab center? Let's be honest, more individuals are becoming susceptible to drugs, a count which has sharply ascended recently. Social pressure has been an essential element for high school drug habit, as youngsters are typically the easiest victims of such addictions. Add to that the recent economic recession, which has hit a large portion of the world's populace, and you'll get high drug addiction rates and a significantly more stress-filled life. This has conveyed numerous individuals to the state in which they look for expert help like form Dr. Gautam Bhatia to treat their addictions. Sahyog Clinic offers its patients best quality treatments to become a new person altogether.

Drug rehab alludes to all sorts of psychotherapy and therapeutic medications taken for psychoactive substance dependency. It is the essential objective of the Sahyog Detoxification and Rehabilitation to ensure that their patients stop their drug abuse to maintain a strategic distance from mental, legitimate, money related, physical and social consequences. There are numerous substances that individuals may misuse including liquor, prescriptive medications, and street drugs.

The threats of drug addiction come in numerous forms and structures. Those addicted to drugs or some other substances are usually influenced more profoundly than in other addition forms. This is because of the way that these particular chemicals tend to really twist the way in which a man sees things and how he considers. The consistent drug abuse of particular sorts of substances will at last prompt a neurotic and unreliable person who trusts that the whole world is out there so as to get him. It's not just a mental state which will at last succumb to compulsion, but the body too.

The human body can't deal with lot of the substance simultaneously. An addict can essentially overdose whenever he can't control the intake. This happens frequently when an individual is not in correct state of mind. An extra explanation behind why a man needs to quit using these drugs is because the liver can get seriously damaged by some of them. In certain drug rehab center like Sahyog Clinic, patients are urged to esteem their emotional well-being and lives so that they could relinquish the habit. Note that the bond with relatives could be broken, particularly when someone who is addicted becomes unreliable and distrustful. Drug rehab centers like Sahyog Clinic are professionally equipped and have the majority of the conditions for achievement!

Thursday 23 June 2016

Is it Alcoholism or Alcohol Abuse?

Many articles have been composed and incalculable studies have been undertaken with respect to alcohol abuse. Regardless of this, the one finding that has obviously neglected to resonate all through the alcoholism academy, alcohol abuse and medical communities is the accentuation on the way that alcoholism has its roots in alcohol abuse. While this truth has numerous repercussions, maybe the key upshot of this is a large number of non-alcoholic people in our society and all through the world who take part in abusive drinking can address their drinking issue and create positive and healthy changes in their drinking conduct before they become alcohol dependent.

It is believed that alcohol abuse happens when an individual's drinking causes an issue in any part of his or her life. The areas of a man's life where alcoholism regularly prompts issues incorporates the following:
·         employment
·         relationships
·         finances
·         school
·          wellbeing and so on

Maybe the key in all of this is the following: most, if not all cases of alcoholism get their start from alcohol abuse. Expressed another way, it is very impossible that a non-drinker will become alcoholic essentially by having one drink or that a non-drinker will become a drunkard by getting drunk once. Without a doubt, liquor abuse does not results because of rare and sporadic drinking yet rather from constant, extreme, and rehashed drinking. The point: liquor abuse doesn't happen in a vacuum. In layman’s language, the bases of alcohol addiction are found in alcohol abuse.

Knowing this and giving this a chance to impact an individual's savoring conduct a positive and healthy manner is maybe the absolute wellbeing related part of data that a drinker can learn and execute in his or her life.

Why is this so vital? Studies show that drunkards are experts of foreswearing, misdirection, deceptive nature, manipulation and frequently accuse their alcohol related issues on circumstances and individuals outside themselves. Heavy drinkers also show wild and untrustworthy drinking conduct. It just not ends here; most heavy drinkers will cheat, lie, and steal in order to get their next drink. Why might an alcohol abuser who is not yet a drunkard need to face such a terrible and destructive situations?

Since now we know about the issues that are normally connected with alcohol abuse, it can be seen that so as to overcome these challenges and issues it is imperative for the alcohol abuser to look in the mirror and genuinely inquire as to whether liquor is bringing on an issue in any part of his or her life.

 For proper treatment and guidance contact Dr. Gautam Bhatia at Sahyog Clinic.

Negative effects of alcoholism on marriage and family

alcoholism image by sahyog clinic
Sahyog clinic

Alcoholism is a chronic health condition that is developed through internal and external influences. Alcoholism can have a detrimental impact on marriages and families. It has a severely destructive path with effects and consequences that can potentially last a lifetime.
It is easier in the beginning for the non-alcoholic partner to be supportive and show compassion with love and understanding. Though, as the disease progresses, the supportive partner can grow impatient and reach his or her limit of patience and forgiveness, just desperately wanting them to stop. Eventually fights worsen, communication is lost, trust is broken, and intimacy is gone. There is no way to have a healthy, functioning relationship with an alcoholic that refuses to seek help for the addiction.
Feeling the unfairness of the situation, the non- alcoholic partner may become resentful of his or her partner due to the actualization of what this has done to their own life. At this point, conflict is almost inevitable as the communication may start to fracture. Soon the marriage may begin to crumble under the pressure as each spouse starts pulling away from each other.
Unfortunately, this opens the door for infidelity in the marriage by one spouse or both. The non- alcoholic spouse may turn to someone else for comfort and to feel loved and wanted again. The hurt felt from this betrayal of trust in a marriage often times causes the end of the marriage.
Children growing up in an alcoholic home may develop emotional problems, such as anxiety and behavioral outburst. They will often have low self-esteem, which can make it difficult for him or her to fit in with peers. This can make a child feel sad and lonely that can lead to chronic depression.

Alcoholism does not just affect the alcoholic. It affects the entire family. Those individuals that are sincere in reaching out for help and truly have the desire to end the abuse should be supported and treated with patience. Sometimes a marriage can be saved depending on the amount of damage that has been done. 

Friday 10 June 2016

Curing Your Addiction at Rehabilitation Homes

Rehabilitation simply means to restore something or someone to its original state. When we normally hear the word rehab, we begin to think about some persons going through some medical or psychological facility to cleanse themselves of a certain habit that may prove dangerous to themselves and even others around them. There are many different types of conditions that need rehabilitation and we will go through them in details.

Why do People Need Rehabilitation

The people that live on planet Earth are simple humans, they have complex thoughts, needs, feelings and emotions. Their bodies are fragile and easily damaged and disposed, their minds can easily be broken. People do many things that other people do not understand, whether it be excessive alcohol regular intakes, drug addiction, an abusive addiction or a simple accident. Your body will shut down or will not perform as it should and the only way to cleanse that individual of those bad habits or to heal someone mentally and physically is to go through rehabilitation.

Rehab: Alcoholism

Hundreds of thousands of people die or are seriously injured due to someone being drunk behind the wheel. Many wives have lost their husbands and many husbands have lost their wives because of the bottle. Alcohol as many effects on the brain and none of them are positive, they include difficulty walking, slurred speech, blurred vision and slow reaction time. Persons who are habitual drunkards will have these conditions lingering long after they have finished drinking. That's because they have developed a brain deficit caused by excessive alcohol drinking.

Alcoholism is a very serious condition as it can span into many different avenues. Living with a spouse who is an addict can prove very painful and frustrating. Once they reach a point where they become uncontrollable and pose a danger to themselves, families and even strangers, they need to be quickly placed in a rehabilitation center.

Friday 3 June 2016

Is rehab the right place for you?

Not comprehending what’s in store when you’re thinking about getting help for alcohol detoxification can be the huge hindrance for an alcoholic to get the right treatment at the correct time. And, with the wrong depictions of alcohol rehab centres in the media some addicts won’t connect for help at all due to what they've seen. However, knowing what things to ask when you choose a detox centre like Sahyog Detox & De-Addiction Clinic, can make a huge difference.

Question #1: How long does treatment last?

There is no genuine response to this inquiry since treatment is different for everybody. Moreover, it is not necessary that everybody will finish his treatment on time. Hence, some longer treatment can last anywhere in the range of 30 to 60 days and may extend up to 90 days if necessary. Outpatient and Day/Night treatment projects are far less exceptional yet could also keep going for 90 days or significantly more at times.

Question #2: What sort of treatment is it?

The sort of treatment you require depends upon your medication or liquor problem, how extreme it is, to what extent it has been going on and in case that you've ever been treated for addiction ever before. The types of treatments available are:
  • Inpatient Treatment: patients live in the same clinic where he gets the treatment
  • Partial Hospitalization (Also known as Day/Night Treatment Programs): patients receive intensive treatments during the day and retire in the evening.
  • Outpatient: patients under go treatments during the day and go to their homes at night

Question #3: How would I pay?

You can get some sponsor to pay for your treatment. Or else you can choose various insurance and medical covers to pay your bills. If you want and are capable enough, you can pay your bill from your pocket as well. Government and state welfare programs could be approached to gain some help. Payments can also be made by taking a loan or via credit cards.

Question #4: What kinds of treatments are used?

The most widely recognized kinds of treatments used to treat alcohol addiction and drug detoxification include:
  • Evidence based practices
  • Cognitive behavioural treatment
  • Reality therapy
  • Psychotherapy
  • Group treatment
  • Individual treatment
  • Family treatment
  • Biofeedback
In case that you or somebody you adore is experiencing an alcohol addiction, you can reach Sahyog Clinic for help right now.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Sahyog Clinic - Social Rehabilitation Services

Social rehabilitation is a service implied for all people who have disabilities or those with partial or full insufficiency for work who require help in managing issues in their daily life emerging from their inability or exceptional needs. The aim of rehab like Sahyog Clinic is to develop and teach day to day skills, increase odds of taking an interest in social life and build up the requirements expected to accomplish or re-establish a specific level of limit for work.
Occupational rehabilitation is implied for people of working age with a decreased ability to work, i.e., individuals with inabilities or individuals who have no potential for work as per the new directions or who have been found crippled for work as per the previous systems. The administrations of occupational rehabilitations are implied for persons who are less than 16 years of age and up to the retirement benefits age. Keeping in mind the end goal to use the administrations, an individual should be dynamic in the business area—they should work, search for vocation or study.

Who has a privilege to get social rehabilitation services?

  • Kids who are under 16 years of age and who are handicapped or are applying for inability
  • Debilitated grown-ups of retirement pension age
  • People of working age (16 years to retirement age) who are not able to work
  • People of working age with inabilities or people of working age who are weakened for work or who have an partial ability for work however who don’t work, study and are not enlisted as unemployed in the Unemployment Insurance Fund
  • Children aged between 7–18 years of age alluded to the administration in accordance with a decision by the juvenile committee.

Which social rehabilitation services are given?

In the system of social rehabilitation, Sahyog Clinic offers the accompanying administrations:
  • assessment of rehab needs and arranging of recovery exercises
  • procurement of guidance on taking an interest in the restoration, and systems administration
  • assessment of rehabilitation results
  • occupational therapy
  • physiotherapy
  • expressive treatment
  • speech therapy
  • doctor’s and nurse’s services
So if you or nay one of your relatives are seeking for social rehabilitation services, you can simply contact Sahyog Clinic.